With ISMI Beauty, clients will record themselves in any way convenient for them (social networks, mobile application). Cosmetics will write off itself for each procedure, exactly as much as you said. The administrator may not accept money from the client, because payment is possible by card or contactless. The salary is also calculated by itself - if you use salary cards, then you will not have to issue it, but if you are used to cash, then the salary will take a couple of minutes (if you quickly count the money).
These are the main points of pain in managing a beauty salon, but there are many nice additional features in ISMI Beauty.
Automatic reminders about appointments to clients, happy birthday greetings, informing about promotions and special offers, all client finances - from the history of a client's checks to the average check for a salon or for a group of procedures.
Another program for the beauty salon ISMI Beauty easily plays the role of a personnel department - there are personal cards of employees, auto-accounting of hours worked, all mutual settlements are saved (including servicing employees in the salon and purchasing cosmetics by employees).
And most importantly - a split second to give you any financial information and statistics. Not at all like before: administrator, give me a monthly income figure - and wait three days ... It is time that is our main value in the modern world. And if we manage it competently, we will always be one step ahead, if not a kilometer;)
Doubt that a beauty salon program is needed? Make up your mind. With ISMI Beauty it is cool to do business!